Saturday, February 2, 2019


Welcome to our first ever blog post!

Here I'll be posting updates on His Plan and on the upcoming stories.

Yes, I said upcoming stories!!! Beau and Lenore are not the only one's getting written about. We've got a whole community full of couples who want to tell their stories as well, and I can't wait to share them with y'all!

I'll also be posting extended content here. Short stories about the Anderson's and the rest of the group that won't be in the actual books. You won't find them anywhere else, so be sure to check back often to see what's new.

The last two years writing His Plan have definitely been a journey.  There were times when everything flowed so smoothly that I was sure I could have the whole book written in just a matter of a few short months. Then there were other times that I was ready to give up and quit all together. Nothing went right. I couldn't find the right words. I couldn't figure out the dialogue or BODY LANGUAGE!!! I think I erased and rewrote one chapter about ten times! But I'm so glad for my own personal support team who encouraged me to keep going. Because of them, and more than a few prayers, I pushed though and we FINALLY have the finished product. It's been a fantastic experience and I really feel like I've learned so much and grown as a writer. I hope y'all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! I pray that this story, and all the others to come, touch your hearts. I pray that you find the characters relatable and that maybe, somehow, God can use them to draw others to Him.

Make sure you share all of the social media pages with your friends. and have them share, too! We have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

For anyone interested, there is a playlist of songs that inspired His Plan. Whether it was the whole song or simply one line, some inspired single scenes, while others inspired the basis of the whole book. Check them out!!
